Main Page

From Bloominglabs
Revision as of 21:58, 17 August 2010 by Dosman (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to Bloominglabs, Bloomington's very own hackerspace!

Sign up to the announcement list to keep up with our group. Follow us on Twitter @Bloominglabs. Our IRC server is at, #hackerspace. We can also be reached via old fashioned email at contact at bloominglabs dot org.



Get the word out!

Mitch Altman (of NoiseBridge and TV-B-Gone notoriety) and Jimmie Rodgers will be stopping by on August 19th to lead a soldering workshop at Bloominglabs! Please RSVP to rsvp at bloominglabs dot org, we have limited space so RSVP early! You can find more details here.


Here is a list of the soldering kits Mitch and Jimmie should have with them:

  • TV-B-Gone (turn off TVs in public places!)
  • Brain Machine (Meditate, Hallucinate, and Trip Out!)
  • LEDcube (cool cube of blinky lights!)
  • Mignonette Game (play fun games!)
  • Trippy RGB Waves (interactive colored blinky lights!)
  • MiniPOV (more cool blinky lights!)
  • MintyBoost (charge your USB enabled gadgets!)


Coming soon!

Membership Manual


Currently we meet every Wednesday at 6:30pm at The Collaboration Room. These meetings are open to the public, anyone is welcome to attend. We usually meet for 2-3 hours and have a lot of fun. Having access to tools is only part of the equation, socializing with people and learning from each other is another large benefit from our group. Pretty much whatever people want to work on or learn is fair game. We currently have an electronics and robotics focus but there's also interest in general science and astronomy as well. If it's cool and interesting then we are all interested.

Who are we?

Bloominglabs was forged from the Bloomington Hackerspace Initiative and the former IU Robotics Club. We are a bunch of people that want to do interesting things and explore the world and technology around us.

Current Projects


What is a hacker space?

It's a physical location where people can share resources for their own creative pursuits. It's also a resource where people can come in off the street and advance their own knowledge. In urban locations it can often be hard to find places to weld/build/make noise and keep projects on-going without having to tear down and put-up your work each evening. With a hacker space people can work on their projects and not worry about annoying their neighbors or spouses. The social aspect is also incredibly important component. Having people to bounce ideas off of and discuss your projects with when you get stuck is a great thing.

What needs to be done yet?

Check out the Todo list to see the latest things we need to get done.

Also see who else is working on this project: Special:ListUsers

Uploaded files: Special:ImageList

Nearby Hacker Spaces or initiatives:

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