2015 Yearly Meeting
From Bloominglabs
Agenda for the 2015 Annual Meeting which will be held on January 25th from 9am to 1pm.
Year in review 2014
- high points
- low points
- what worked?
- what didn't?
- the move!
- Makevention 2014
- what workshops did we have?
- who all have we collaborated with this year?
- lazor tub3s
Issues to discuss, 2015 Goals
- Treasurers report, how are we doing financially?
- Come up with a plan for keeping the front area clean - first thing new people see when they step in the front door
- perhaps set up a system where items that have been sitting forever can be given 'expiration dates' (stickers in an easy to find area aka front desk/3wk-2wk-1wk-toss it system)
- whatever we do, don't leave all incoming
junkstuff in the welcome area! - also keep the front desk clean!
- Organize scrap pile in workshop, come up with plan to help keep this more organized in the future
- Member project storage shelving & totes - will help keep the boneyard separated from members projects so less confusion over what is hackable junk
- Dust collector - either purchase one or build one, we need to make it easier to contain wood dust
- Plastic sheets for metal working equipment to keep wood dust off (lathes, mill, welding equipment)
- Buildout of more walls in office area?
- Makevention 2015 - who's leading that?
- 501c3 status?
- Security cameras?
- Formally move member emergency contact forms from workshop to green cabinet in office near front door
- Air Conditioning
- What would satisfy our needs? What do we need to buy? Identify cost
- Start fundraiser for AC for this spring
- I'd like to discuss moving the current members list to be a public discuss list and setup a new members mailing list for private-only discussions
- There are several reasons for this. First, everyone is afraid to use the public announce list as a discuss list (because it's an announce list after all). Next, when someone stops being a formal member, removing them from the members removes their access to their community which is not intended. Third, it prevents outsiders from getting a better view of our group. I really enjoy seeing the goings on at LVL1 and other spaces because they have a public discuss list. Lastly, only our new-member process requires privacy, so a private list is still needed, hence a "new" members-only list. Thanks - dosman