
From Bloominglabs
Revision as of 14:14, 26 September 2019 by Dosman (Talk | contribs)

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This printer is owned by Josh Conway.

3D printing filament costs approximately 30 USD per roll (per kilogram). Please donate an amount proportionate to your usage, there is a box in front of Vulcanus to accept filament funds.

Using Vulcanus

  • Connect to its Octoprint server via, with username and password "bloomingcad" (from within our network you can also use the link http://vulcanus:5000).
    • From here you can see the current state of the printer, see the webcam, etc.
  • The bed is ginormous on this printer and takes 10-15 minutes or so to get up to temperature. You can start pre-warming the bed from Octoprint
  • Verify the filament material installed is what you want and/or change it over to the filament you want to run
    • There are several kinds of material that get used on this machine so verify this before every print (ABS, PLA, PET-G, etc)
    • This printer uses a Bowden tube extruder, if you are unsure how to change the filament get help

Slicing - Generate g-code for Octoprint

To get models into Octoprint you will need to install a slicer program on your laptop to render the g-code.

  • Download and install
  • Download and install this config file for slic3r, it provides the settings for Vulcanus
  • Load your STL file of the model you wish to print into slic3r
  • Double check which filament material you will be printing with and update your temp settings in slic3r accordingly, this will affect the g-code generated
  • Send the g-code to Vulcanus/Octoprint
  • Back over in Octoprint, load the model you sent to it and then start the print
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