From Bloominglabs
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Project Index and Resources
- Open HVAC Control
- Can-hacking
- AVR Page (robotics club code that we have used in testing AVR)
- EDuino-B Arduino clones
- Jenett's Projects
- dosman's Projects
- Steve's Projects
- Will's Projects
- Rex's Projects
- Joe's Projects
- Nick's Projects
- Charlie's Projects
- Jay's Projects
- Josh's Projects
- Daniel's Projects
New page for our workshops: Workshops
Group Projects
- Bloominglabs side-lit LED sign
- RFID access control for our room and the building
- Amateur Radio use at the space (aka Ham Radio)
Potential projects
- build a RepRap
- obtain/repair a laser etcher/cutter
- other group projects?
- build a LittleFe cluster, introduce it to area secondary schools.
- LittleFe is a small educational cluster made of low-powered boards, intended to be portable and able to demonstrate how a small cluster is built and operated. Used in high schools to teach computers and clustering.
- see
- M. Standish at IU is leading this project (I thought I would pitch the idea here in his behalf, hope he agrees)
- already have possible leads on funding
- build a word clock