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(Government Filings)
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* Makevention has all their own accounts for Square, Paypal, and an IUCU checking account
* Makevention has all their own accounts for Square, Paypal, and an IUCU checking account
* Make sure payments and expenses for Makevention go into the right accounts
* Make sure payments and expenses for Makevention go into the right accounts

Latest revision as of 23:34, 23 April 2022



[edit] Treasurer's Duties

[edit] Ongoing Monthly Duties

  • Check our P.O. box (2443) for notifications from our creditors, checks to be deposited, etc.
    • Paid in July
  • Check our onsite mailbox for notifications
  • Check donations/dues boxes onsite for deposits
  • Deposit payments collected into Blabs' bank
  • Pay Monthly Expenses
    • Rent
    • Electric bill
    • Gas bill
    • Internet
    • Garbage
    • Insurance
    • Freshbooks
      • Note: All monthly expenses are paid automatically from our checking account
  • Poke people about past dues
    • Disable people's fobs if they are over 3 months over due
    • Realize that people may not know they are past due
    • These duties are often take on by other board members

[edit] Government Filings

* By January 31st: File sales taxes for previous calendar year with the Indiana Department of Revenue

  • By Annual Meeting: Prepare annual treasurer's report for previous calendar year
    • IUCU bank account (expenses, dues)
    • PayPal (dues, workshop payments and expenses, large donations)
    • Square (onsite payments like snacks and laser time)
    • WePay (dues)
    • Freshbooks (dues credits for things like teaching a workshop or buying snacks)
    • Makevention report
    • Workshop report
    • Past dues report
    • Monthly expense report versus membership dues coming in
      • Consider that somethings (like snacks) are being paid in dues credits which is essential an expense to Blabs
    • Banking Fees (PayPal, WePay, credit card, etc.)
      • Help members understand that it's important to make it easy for people to give us money
  • By May 15th: File 990N with the IRS for previous calendar year
  • By May 15th: File NP-20, Nonprofit Organization's Annual Report, with the Indiana Department of Revenue
  • By May 15th: File Indiana Business Tangible Personal Property Taxes for previous calendar year
    • We don't pay any taxes on our property because we are exempt, but Indiana still requires us to file
    • Online: https://ppopin.in.gov/
    • Paper form will be sent when tax needs to be filed
    • Will come to our onsite mailbox
    • In 2021, Blabs' made a great effort to document our tangible business property. That will be useful for filing going forward.
  • By December 31st: Every other year file our Indiana Business Entity Report

[edit] Workshop Support

  • Create PayPal buttons for Workshops
  • Buy things for the workshop
  • Make sure people get reimbursed - protect you and the person you are giving money to - get receipts!
  • Try to make sure we bring in enough money to cover the costs of the workshop

These are on-going duties throughout the year

[edit] Makevention Support As Needed

  • Makevention pretty much runs itself financially, but may need treasurer support
  • Makevention has all their own accounts for Square, Paypal, and an IUCU checking account
  • Make sure payments and expenses for Makevention go into the right accounts
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